Grow your fan engagement.
Know your commercial value.

Technological advances and changes in fan behaviour drives us to think differently on how to engage fans and deliver partner value. It is not only about selling tickets or placing logoes. We need to engage fans in new ways and in new, digital and social arenas. At the same time, we need to design new sponsorship activities and concepts to stay relevant and attractive to sponsors.
Foocus is a tool driven by fast data and A.I and built-in collaboration with users in sports clubs and associations. It is an easy-to-use dashboard tool that helps users focus on the activities that maximizes fan engagement and commercial value.

Live dashboards

Keep track your fan engagement, ticket sales, press mentions and sponsor logo exposure near real time so you can adjust activation to maximise value creation.

Take a closer look

Key benefits of using Foocus

  • Know your value - Foocus measures the commercial value of every interaction, logo exposure and inventory element

  • Automated reporting - Generate reports in seconds in either Excel, PowerPoint or PDF - Get access to unique insights to what engages your fans across all media

  • Real time reporting - Be able to adjust sponsorship activation in time to maximise brand impact - Control your sponsorship portfolio in one unified view

  • Audience insights - Get to know the audiences that engages in the brand better