We believe we need to think differently about creating meaningful and successful sponsorships.

A good sponsorship partnership always begins with a clear and honest understanding of the goals and capabilities of each party. Then the road to every successful partnership is paved with data and insight about the audience, media-landscape, brand ambitions and capabilities for activation.
By leveraging our data-rich and clever tools we provide three kinds of services to both rights-holders and brands.

Our Services

Strategies that works

Our strategic approach always begins with a deep understanding of the interest areas and engagement of the audiences the brands needs to influence. Thereafter, we utilize a wide range of data sources to identify, score, valuate and recommend partnership opportunities based on exposure, engagement, audience-fit, brand association-fit and activation possibilities.

Finding the right value

6 out 10 in the sponsorship industry thinks valuing assets is the biggest challenge for brands investing in the industry. Brand visibility and media equivalency has traditionally been the dominant drivers of sponsorship spend, resulting in inflated and inaccurate valuations. In our approach, we take a broader and more nuanced approach to sponsorship valuation.

Measuring and reporting

It´s not enough to lean on retrospective reports from last quarter or year. When sponsorship activation is becoming more and more digital and social, so is the need to be able to measure in a real-time basis to maximize value creation. That is why our dashboard measures exposure and engagement across most media in near real-time. So you can take the right action at the right time.

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Contact information
For general queries, including partnership opportunities, please email hello@foocus.ai